Friday, May 6, 2011

Discover your Gifting

In School, did somebody ever give you an 'A' grade because you were an excellent musician or had amazing PR skills??

You were the best designer in school - yet nobody cared. Sorry bro, you needed to be good in math is what they said.

Take heart if you were looked down by people who thought intelligence was only about scoring top grades in School.

At school, the ones who had good Linguistic & Logical intelligences always scored high marks - simply because those were the intelligences that were being evaluated. Shh... and we all thought that they were the super-smart ones!

Thanks to Howard Gardner and his theory of Multiple Intelligences! Each person, he proposed, shows their natural gifting in various domains like - Interpersonal skills, Musical skills, Kinesthetic abilities, Visual-Spatial skills, Intrapersonal skills, Logical skills & Linguistic skills.

What is your gifting? Do consider finding your gifts.

Coz when you do, itz gonna change your life!