Monday, May 28, 2012

Track: I will be your friend

This song celebrates friendship and is originally written by Michael W. Smith.

This year I am blessed to travel a lot more and meet a lot of amazing people. So this song goes out to all my new friends. God bless you guys!

Original Composer: Michael W. Smith
Music on this track by: Joshua Satya
Vocals: Sam Koshy
Backing Vocals: Vijay Kurien

(Headphones recommended. Thanks for listening!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Welcome to the Tata Group!

Wow! Thank God for today! =)

After a wait close to a year and three months, today marks the beginning of an association with the Tata Group. I am engaged with TCS as a facilitator. Hurray! =)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rameshwaram - to do or not to do

One of the biggest questions we must ask about our life is - What must we do with our days?

Friday morning through Sunday evening, I was at Rameshwaram with some of my friends from Ashraya helping out in small ways at a charitable trust led by Dr. Mallika Chidambaram. What we did is utterly insignificant here.

The kind of service we received was royalty. We were welcomed and ushered into her humble abode, fed with meals and invited to engage in songs and fun activities for kids, help at a church etc. I didn't feel I belonged to Chennai any more - I was just another Rameshwaram resident, a part of the household.

The last few days were great. Just being around for a lady who gave it all up to serve people at a seashore 600 kms from her hometown. What do you call it - mission? passion? calling?

Whatever you do, it doesn't matter. She is just another bold person who chose 'to do' rather than 'not to do'.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Estimate time

So... how good are you at estimating Time?

I was challenged last Sunday by a question at church. It was a very small piece of the sermon/presentation. But, the question is still lingering in my head... (with prime importance!)

Given a new assignment/project - 'How good are we at estimating timelines?'

Peter Drucker said: If you don't measure, you can't manage. I want to add: If you don't estimate, you can't measure.

- Pause -

let's put the pieces together:

If I don't estimate (time), I can't measure (time);
If I don't measure (time), I can't manage (time).


I agree and believe with what I heard, estimating time could be one of the most important skills we will ever learn!